A meeting on the results of 2023 was held at the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security

Opening the meeting, the Head of Service, Lieutenant General Ilgar Musayev, informed that due to the fact that 2023 was the “Heydar Aliyev Year” in our country, the events dedicated by the Service to the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev were held at a high level.
During the speech, the Head of Service informed about the complex socio-political processes going on around the world in 2023,about the transition of our country to a new stage of development in recent years as a result of the visionary and multidisciplinary policy of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev. I.Musayev spoke in detail about the role of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security in the operational management of the snap presidental elections of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to be held on February 7 of this year, the fulfilment of the duties on its structural units, the preparatory status of personnel for elections and other related issues.
The special attention and care of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the development of information security and cybersecurity, and consequently it was noted at the meeting that during the reporting year a number of important orders and decrees in the relevant field were issued and relevant decisions were taken.
During the reporting period, the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security provided detailed information on the provision of special state communication, government communication, special-purpose information and telecommunication systems and networks of the state bodies of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the provision of information security of the information resources of state institutions.
At the meeting, the Service's structural unit managers made reports in accordance with their activities.
In addition, reports were madeby the Service about the connection of government agencies operating in the territories exempt from occupation to the "Azstatenet" network and the provision of sustainable means of communication.