
Representatives of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan attended the final session of the United Nations General Assembly

The final session of the International Convention on countering the use of information and communication technologies  for criminal purposes was held in New York City. Representatives of the  Representatives of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SCIS) Elgin Abdullayev and Vusala Mammadova attended the session.

Discussion of the Convention was carried out on non-binding clauses, revised proposals and made certain changes to the content of the Convention.

The relevant Convention contains provisions relating to criminalization, procedural measures and application of law, international cooperation regarding the organization of evidence collection, acquisition, preservation, mutual technical assistance and exchange of experience, including prevention, detection, prosecution and investigation of crimes, organization of training and technical support on crime analysis, preventive measures.

Particular attention has been paid to the failure of the delegates to adopt provisions contrary to the requirements of the “Convention on Cybercrime of November 23, 2001” and domestic legislation ratified by the Republic of Azerbaijan during their participation in the sessions, including the legal and technical implications of its implementation after the approval of the provisions stipulated in the Convention.

Head of Department of SCIS E. Abdullayev made suggestions on the relevant points during the meeting.

The proposals of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan have been considered by the Ad Hoc Committee of United Nations General Assembly.