
Joint Statement of Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan

“A video surfaced today on several social networks purporting to show ballot-box stuffing at the polling station No. 21 of the third Sumgayit constituency No. 44 concerning the snap presidential election of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The Azstatenet network has been expanded about 550 km for the demand of government agencies

During 2023, 550 km of fiber optic cables have been laid across Azerbaijan to expand the AzStateNet network created by the State Service for Special Communication and Information Security for reliable and stable exchange of information

“III Summit of IT top managers of State agencies” was held

On February 2 of this year, the "Third Summit of IT top managers of State Institutions" was held by the Special Communication and Information Security State Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SCIS) at the Ritz-Carlton hotel.

A meeting on the results of 2023 was held at the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security

A meeting dedicated to the results of 2023 was held in the State Sevice of Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Employees of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Security State Service visited the Alley of Martyrs

The memory of our brave sons who died for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, was commemorated.